Finchley Methodist Church

Contact the church

020 8346 1700

Sunday Services

A Warm welcome

The Sunday Service begins at 10.30am and if you have children with you, they are welcome in Junior Church (unless it's a ALL AGE SERVICE - usually the second Sunday of the month - when we all worship together and the service is suitable for children and adults of all ages). They meet in the Church Hall and the Junior Church staff will be waiting to welcome them.

Creche 0-3 years
Junior Church 3-11 yrs
Teen Church 11ys +

Fairtrade stall

A typical service will have:

Welcome of folk to the Church and any special events. Music: newer and older hymns, and songs
Readings: All age talk for All Age Service or Sermon for adult service.

The Junior Church come back into service towards the end to share what they have been doing.

Service normally last 60- 70 minutes

After the service

Coffee and tea are available again and this is the chance to meet the people and the Minister.

We also have 'Welcome stewards' available to answer questions, a 'Welcome Pack' with more detailed information about the Church and a book for visitors to sign.

2nd Sunday - All age Worship
4th Sunday - Holy Communion